When Preston was in the beginning process of his diagnosis 7 years ago, this was my go-to verse. It has been etched into my heart. We are all promised tribulations, but my hope remains steadfast in Jesus. I love teaching our kids about this verse because they will face hard times and disappointments. The choice is theirs to decide what they will learn from it. One thing I knew for sure is I would never give up on helping Preston and being his voice. In turn, this journey of autism has changed me from the inside out and allowed me to grow in character. I have gained a different perspective on this one precious life I have been given. It continues to amaze me how God pieces it all together in His timing. I stand in awe. #autismacceptance #autismmom #piecesofme #cantwaittosharemystorywiththeworld #allthingsinhistiming #piecesareallcomingtogether #blessedandgrateful